3 year anniversary…
3 years of I love it when. About 40% of small businesses fail in the first 3 years. This is me celebrating the fact that as of August 13th 2023- I’ve made it 3 years!

Sorry, but you do make an impact :)
Intentional vs. Unintentional Impact.
These words have been burning to get out- so what better day than International Women’s Day?
I was recently inspired by one of our Inner Circle members (a monthly membership for Admin in Real Estate) when we were discussing exhaustion.I have definitely dealt with this myself in the past. Have you ever felt like you just did NOT have a successful day unless you’re completely exhausted at the end of it? One of our members made this comment:
"Margaret Smith I’m thinking maybe I use it (making yourself exhausted each day) as an excuse to not do anything the rest of my free time other than watch TV and play on my phone. I think deep down I may keep my self “busy” but not productive in terms of my personal life because I don’t know that I could make a difference in this world if I did set my mind on something and took action to accomplish that goal. 🤔"
Whether or not we want to accept this: we make an impact on the world regardless of if its intentional or not.

From Simon Sinek:
"The challenge? Albert Einstein spelled it out for us:
'The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gifted'.
Using our intuitive mind, we're using more than just our five senses. It's almost like "knowing without knowing why". Arguably, its also what makes things interesting to us, it takes us out of our comfort zone and makes us want to learn more about the matter."

Embrace change, follow my bliss, breathe away fear.
Follow My Bliss.
Ah. My favorite journey, an ever evolving destination and a question I have toiled with for 2 decades. I had 3 people come up to me yesterday and ask “How do I discover what I should be doing?”. I FEEL their struggle so easily.
Pause. Sit here. Sit IN THIS QUESTION. And then take action. I literally sat back and waited for the revelation for much too long. I waited for the universe to tell me. A message? An angel? A SIGN?! I waited for years. I took action despite my inner turmoil. I got my Masters in Social Work, started a photography business- took the leap from a job that felt like a dead end. All the while wondering why I felt like I was on some separate journey? My friends found amazing partners, married and started having kids. My 3 younger brothers married amazing women and now have babies. Where did I fit?
What the hell? It didn’t make sense.

2019 PNW Operations Retreat
“I trust you.” I whispered to Agostina DiMartino.
She came up to me during Gary John Bishops talk with us and looked me dead in the eye, “I didn’t expect to cry today” she said.
She told me she was trying to ensure she didn’t take away from the moment we were having with Gary by having the click of the camera interrupt our obvious vulnerability. That’s just one of the reasons I hire Agostina-her empathy, tact and grace.
I didn’t expect the outcome of this retreat. I try not to expect anything and just pour my heart and soul into the INTENTION of this event and my life. When I do that and I have clear intentions, then the magic rolls forth and people unfold and blossom like never before.