June 6-8th 2025
Everett, WA

I love it when… I am surrounded by expansive, creative and magical humans!

When: June 6-8th 2025 (Friday-Sunday)
1 Day Ticket ($555): option to attend for just the first day of the retreat.
3 Day Ticket ($1,555):
option to attend for all 3 days of the retreat.
Where: Everett, WA at Kindred Healing Space.
Who: YOU! All souls welcome. No experience necessary.
Why: You’re open to new experiences and ready to uplevel.
*Lodging and food not included.
20 tickets available (18 tickets left): once tickets sell out I’ll start a waitlist.

Payment plans are available if you'd like one.
Click the button below to submit your payment plan request.
If you purchase your ticket in March- we can break it up into 3 payments (March, April and May).
If you wait and purchase your ticket in April - we can break it up into 2 payments (April and May).

Meet Your Guide…

Hello :) My name is Mo and I’m the Founder of I love it when. To say that I love to host and facilitate retreats would be an understatement… The amount of energy I channel as I’m creating these experiences and then DURING the experience is unreal. My body lights up and I get JACKED as I feel my way through how I want everything to go and who I envison at these events. When I’m creating a retreat I focus a lot of my attention on creating the safest container that I possible can. In many ways- I believe this is a reflection of the container I wish to help create for this planet and all of us who live here. I believe in a world where people feel safe to be themselves. Not only safe- but ENCOURAGED and cheered on to be YOU! The moment you say YES to this experience and retreat- our energies will begin to flow together and we’ll all begin to feel the shifts- even PRIOR to our gathering in June. You see… intention is everything. And I intend to create a massive amount of love at this experience alongside YOU.
I can’t wait to see you there!

Meet Your Speakers & Teachers

  • En-May.com

    En-May Mangels is an internationally renowned Strategic Intuitive Advisor, Empath, and modern-day Spiritualist. She is the reason I named my business: I love it when! Working with high-performing individuals in the business world, entertainment, and arts, En-May engages with her clients to safely, compassionately, and effectively remove limiting beliefs, providing insights to restore areas lacking vibrancy, productivity or desired results; to inspire and propel their greatest outcome for themselves, their companies, and all the lives within their circle. 

    People from all walks of life, at all stages of life have sought En-May for counsel on matters of elevated emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial distress. Fortune 500 company executives, Grammy stars, property developers – those seeking to elevate their own understanding of how intuition is the secret sauce to being the difference between them and their competition are recognizing the importance of both mining the data and the intuition to produce the most impactful, desired outcome.

    It’s not magic. It’s the ability to listen to a Soul. Your Soul. Or the Soul of your business.

  • Iknowstuff.me

    I am a healer, using my gifts as both a psychic and an energy worker to support others on their path to self-discovery and healing. The information I receive psychically comes from Spirit and from whatever Source is most appropriate for the person I am working with. This may include passed-on loved ones, Angels, Teachers, Masters, Guides, our Higher Selves, and more. I share this information with you so that you may integrate it into your life experience and take steps toward healing whatever has surfaced during our work together.

    I have had these gifts since childhood, but I initially kept them to myself once I realized that others did not share these abilities. As a form of self-protection, I remained quiet about them. In my early twenties, I slowly began to open up about my abilities, using greater discernment than I had as a child. Around the same time, I also embarked on the long journey of healing from childhood trauma—an ongoing process that has deepened my understanding of both myself and my work. I have come to understand that I cannot give what I do not have, nor can I guide others to places I have not been myself. The clearer I become internally, the greater my ability to express my gifts with precision and purpose.

    A large portion of my experience and knowledge comes from being part of a meditative study group that met weekly for 35 years. The class was channeled and taught by an Ascended Master named Kuthumi. We explored a vast range of spiritual teachings, including the Tree of Life (Kabbalah), Hermetic Doctrine (the laws governing energy), the Rays, chakra work and clearing, meditation, grounding, manifestation, and working with different aspects of the Self. We also learned how to recognize and remove limiting beliefs from our consciousness. Through this experience, I gained profound knowledge, tools, and wisdom, all of which I continue to utilize and share.

    I am called to service, supporting others who seek clarity and deeper integration of Self. It is an honor to witness and be part of another's healing journey—this is what I am here to do.

  • handsonfire.buzz

    Kai is a Kahuna, which is the Hawaiian version of a shaman. She is an author, mentor, speaker, teacher, and energy healer. She has developed the ability to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell to receive information from the spirit realm. She has opened doorways for the dead to pass through and opened windows for the living to see the potential for their future. She has used energy to help those who wished to heal and for those who wanted to return to Source. Her strongest ability is seeing angels, ghosts, demons, and things she doesn’t have names for. With that ability, she can also see energy that is discordant with someone’s energy signature and transmute it or remove it and replace it with energy that is for that person’s highest good. 

    Kai’s greatest strength is removing negative energy and entities from people, places, and things, allowing others to feel better, sleep better, and feel more secure in themselves and their homes. She is a science-oriented geek by nature and loves to experiment with energy. With the help of her friends, guides, and ancestors, she is constantly reshaping her understanding of the world and expanding her cosmology. One of the things she enjoys most about experiencing new ways of using energy is that she gets to share what she knows and looks forward to how others will use that knowledge and hopefully return to share something new with her, beginning the cycle again.

Step Into Your Power

I am thrilled to be hosting and facilitating this retreat in downtown Everett, WA this coming June at Kindred Healing Space. This is the FIRST time I've ever hosted one of my retreats here in Everett. I've been creating and facilitating retreats since 2017 and in the past have hosted most of them near Cle Elum, WA, and two outside the state in Sedona, Arizona.

Over the last 12 months this retreat has been brewing in my energy- and I've felt very called to offer something super local. I know many people in the PNW have been intrigued by my retreats- but haven't had the opportunity to attend one as of yet. This retreat is also unique in that for the first time ever - I'm offering a 1 Day Ticket option. This is for you if you're curious... but not quite ready to commit to the full 3 days. The 1 Day Ticket option gives you access to the energy of this retreat for the entire first day- in which you'll hear and get access to each of our main speakers. Of course- I encourage you to consider the full 3 days. Especially if you feel pulled to attend this retreat in the first place- that usually means there's something here for you 🙂

This feels delicious.
It feels incredibly intentional and full of magic.

THE THEME: Step Into Your Power.

When I was beginning to feel into the energy of this retreat and experience- I was thinking it would be called "Unscripted"- which is usually what I now call my retreats. I always have an agenda in mind and then I allow the Universe to come in and co-create with me... which is where the spontaneity and magic happens- in the "Unscripted" or unknown. However the phrase "Step Into Your Power" and the FEELING of this retreat is what came to me immediately. It was like I could see myself stepping into a spotlight, feeling a surge of light fill my body- and a new level of confidence and belief in myself came through. This is what I want for you. If you've been following me or my business for a while now- you know how strongly I believe in a world where we all feel safe to truly be ourselves. I believe that now, more than ever, it is essential that you BE YOU. We need you to BE YOU- as that vibration of authenticity is what will heal the world. This is a very strongly held belief and value of mine. Join me. From the moment you say YES to this retreat- you will begin to step into this energy with me. And it is STRONG and LOVING.

MY INTENTION for this retreat:
Provide a safe and comfortable container for you to discover a new piece of yourself and step into your power. Epic conversations and teachings around energy, intuition, healing, spirituality, life and what may be blocking us from deeper peace and fulfillment. Activities that allow us to get to know one another, and ourselves on a deeper level. I will have an agenda with purposeful activities which INCLUDE time to connect, reflect and integrate. Curiosity peaked?

THE AGENDA: As I felt into the energy of this retreat - I was immediately aware of who I wanted to have as my main speakers. The retreat agenda will grow, shift and expand the closer we get to June and as we finalize our attendees. So please be aware that what you're currently viewing as the "agenda" is just a rough draft. What I can promise you is that the first day will include you hearing from all 3 main speakers (En-May, Crystal and Kai) and the 2nd and 3rd days you'll have the opportunity to dive in deeper with them.
It will be DELICIOUS!
These three humans are three of the most powerful, grounded and wise souls I have met. I take my job seriously- and when it comes to selecting folks I want to collaborate with, promote and share- I take my time gathering data and using discernment. I trust these women deeply and love how they work to help people see and step into their power. They have clear and pure intentions, a loving and no nonsense approach- while being able to keep clear boundaries at the same time. I may add other folks to the agenda as we get closer to the date- just know that I will do what I "usually" do- which is create an experience that will have a ripple affect. The impact from this experience will stay with you in a beautiful way.


  • The retreat ticket does not include lodging/food. I did this intentionally to keep the ticket price low. I want to encourage folks who might be traveling from out of town to find other retreat attendees to rent a place with- and those who live locally could have the option to drive home each evening if they choose.

  • 1 Day Ticket option and a 3 Day Ticket option. This is the first time I'm offering an option like this- this is truly me following an intuitive nudge. If you're vacillating between these options- reach out to me. We can chat and I can help you figure out what the best fit is for you. I will always encourage you to step outside your comfort zone- AND I will always stand by the decision that you determine is best for you.

  • Payment plans are available if you'd like one. Just complete the Payment Plan Form. If you purchase your ticket in March- we can break it up into 3 payments (March, April and May). If you wait and purchase your ticket in April - we can break it up into 2 payments (April and May).

I look forward to being in this energy with you.
I just got chills up and down my arms as I type this. Ohhhh I can’t WAIT to see whats in store for us!
It's time to Step Into Your Power.
Join us!


  • Day 1: June 6th

    *Pre-retreat zoom meeting will happen in the week leading up!
    9-10:30am: Opening ceremony and connection
    10:30-12pm: Intuition with En-May
    12-2pm: Lunch
    2-4pm: panel with En-May, Crystal and Kai. Opportunity for open Q&A with attendees.
    4-5pm: Day 1 closing ceremony and integration with Mo
    6:30pm: Dinner together for those that would like to join

  • Day 2: June 7th

    Morning: Workshop with Crystal
    Lunch on your own
    Afternoon: Time with En-May
    Dinner together
    Evening: Experience TBD back at the studio space
    *More details will be added the closer we are to June!

  • Day 3: June 8th

    Morning: Workshop with Kai
    Lunch on your own
    Afternoon: Experience TBD
    4-5pm: Closing ceremony with Mo
    *More details will be added the closer we are to June!

You’re going to walk away from this retreat with….

  • Clarity on what you can do to step further into your power with ideas that are actionable!

  • New tools to help you tap into your inner knowing, ground, clear your energy and remove negative energy/lower frequencies- so that you can make decisions in your life with clarity and peace.

  • A renewed sense of hope and optimism.

  • An energetic upgrade.

  • New friends and connections + extra magic!

  • Something miraculous and unexpected- I like to leave space for the unknown… you never know whats possible when you leave space and create with intention!

"I’ve attended three of Mo’s retreats, and each time, I’ve had huge breakthroughs leading me to level up and make significant, meaningful changes in my daily life. When hosting a retreat, Mo makes sure you get to take a deep breath and just relax into what is bound to be a magical, transformative experience. She gives great consideration to the smallest details because creating a safe, comfortable environment, where people can be vulnerable, is so important to learning, change, and growth. You can bet on all of your creature comforts being met with great accommodations and food, a thoughtful agenda, the perfect line-up of presenters, and an atmosphere where you will be led to dig deep and do some important work. 

Margaret Smith is a way-shower with an innate ability to embody her own magic in such a way that you begin to see your own. She’s a connector who, in everything she does, shows up with the fullness of herself, with curiosity, authenticity, and genuine care. She’ll show you what’s possible, remind you of your power, and challenge your limiting beliefs.

If you don’t already have a reason to hire Margaret, make one up!
Massive growth awaits."

Melissa Weidling
CEO | Butterfly Thistle
Retreat Attendee: 2019, 2021, 2022


"I have just had the pleasure of working with one of the strongest backbones of integrity and kindness I have experienced my career history, Being a business owner myself, I have worked with all kinds of clients in many facets over the the past  14 years.   Margaret Smith, who owns and operates "I Love It When"  ( the name of her lovely business), hired me as an onsite chef to create meals for her retreat, and I just learned a lot about her and her business and somehow a lot about myself and how I want by business to run in the future.  

What stood out to me is her truly authentic personality and professionalism.  In the world of food and beverage we work 12 to 17 hour days and it can become grueling and often unappreciated...that's just part of this field...what was interesting was the experience working for Margaret : I felt uplifted, always respected, cared for.  It truly made those long days an actual joy to be part of something so meaningful. And Fun!  She facilitated a place for my personality and food to both shine, and that is a gift.  I witnessed this with her retreat members as well.  

There was a glow.  A glow of gratitude in every single attendee.  Myself included.
So here is what I have to say:
"I Love it When"... my client treats me with kindness and value...that's Margaret Smith
"I Love it When"... my client has genuine care and concern for my well - being...that's Margaret Smith
"I Love it When"... I can observe a talented person facilitate trust, togetherness and healing in one space for many people. Its inspiring!...that's Margaret Smith
"I Love It When"...I'm already looking forward to working with a client again!...That's Margaret Smith"

-Deana Tatro
AZ Sunshine Kitchen
Partner Vendor for 2022 Sedona, AZ Unscripted Retreat

The first step is saying YES to you.
Then watch the magic unfold!